Friday, January 14, 2011

Baby Oh LiTTle Baby...

Some People said that having a baby was a mistake...

Some people said that having baby was a miracle...

But..are they  Really Know How to Take Care oF a BaBy???

Ways To Take care oF Every Cute Little Baby...

1. Be serious about the health of the baby: 
 Don't let everything be happened as it is. Look after everything that your baby does. Don't leave him to be playing alone on the farce. He may put anything on his mouth.
2. Don't ignore little things for the baby:
 You must look after little things of your baby such as little toys etc. Don't let your child to play alone. Always be with him.
3. Bath your baby according to the doctor:
 You must clean your baby form germs by giving him a fresh bath. You should ask the doctor about how many times you should bath your child.
4. Take care of skin of the baby:
 The skin of baby is very delicate and needs a special care. You should also use proper products for bath of baby. Know the type of the skin of the baby and use products according to the type.
5. Use branded and trusted cosmetic products:
 The products that are directly applied to the skin of the baby must be trusted. They must not leave any side effects on your baby.
6. Take care of food.
 Food is the important thing for the baby. It is responsible for the growth of the baby. If your baby is under 1 or 2 years age, feed him just milk. Older child should also have healthy food.
7. Consider importance and timings of medicines:
 Medicines are required for most of the new born/little babies. You must ask everything related to the medicines to your doctor and follow the instructions given by him.
8. Know about sleep timings:
 Baby is healthier if he sleeps more. The sleeping times depends on the age and nature of the baby. Know the appropriate timings for your baby.
9. Follow the instructions from the doctor:
 You should consider the doctor's beliefs and suggestions. Always do as the doctor says. If you have any doubt about anything, never shy to ask the doctor.
10. Give your baby a ride daily:
 Do you love getting out of the home? Why shouldn't your baby be? Get your baby out of the house daily for a ride. It will give your baby a natural environment.

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